Effects of the novel nitrification inhibitor DMPSA on yield, mineral N dynamics and N2O emissions

Andreas Pacholski1, Nils Berger1, Ivan Bustamante2, Rainer Ruser2, Guillermo Guardia3 ,Thomas Mannheim1

1 EurochemAgro GmbH, Reichskanzler-Müller-Str. 3, Mannheim, Germany, 68165, www.eurochemagro.com, Andreas.pacholski@eurochemgroup.com

2 Hohenheim University, Institute of Crop Science, Fruwirthstrasse 20, Stuttgart, Germany, 70599

3 Universidad Politecnico de Madrid, E.T.S.I. Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain, 28040


Sustainable use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers is essential for agronomic efficiency and environmental stewardship. Nitrification inhibitors (NI) can play an important role in mitigating unwanted environmental impacts by N fertilization, i.e. nitrate leaching and greenhouse gas/N2O emissions, while sustaining and increasing yields. A new nitrification inhibitor 3,4 dimethylpyrazol succinic acid (DMPSA) has been developed characterized by a slower reagent release curve and different physicochemical properties as compared to established inhibitors. In recent years, the new inhibitor was evaluated and tested in laboratory and field trials regarding yields, N uptake and N2O emissions in different environments and combined with varying fertilizers (e.g. urea, CAN) and crops (arable crops, vegetables, fruits). DMPSA was proven applicable to reduce N2O emissions form urea and CAN by 60-90% as compared to the untreated fertilizer. On the tested fertilization levels yields and N-uptake were mainly unaffected or slightly increased by application of DMPSA, on average +4% and +2% for yield and N-uptake, respectively. The effect of DMPSA appeared to be independent of the N fertilizer type combined with the compound and crop type. The application of the new compound could still be further improved by reducing fertilization levels sustaining the same yield and N uptake level and varying fertilizer management by reducing the number of split N applications. Additional options for an optimized fertilizer N management by use of DMPSA require further investigation.