Crop Modelling and Management
Validation of the APSIM-Lucerne model for phenological development in a cool-temperate climate.
D.J.Moot M.J. Robertson and K.M. Pollock
Simulating response of canola to sowing date in Western Australia
I. Farré, M. J. Robertson, G. H. Walton and S. Asseng
Adapting APSIM Lucerne to the Western Australian environment
P.J. Dolling, R.A. Latta, A.M. Lyons, S. Asseng, M.J. Robertson, P.S. Cocks and M.A. Ewing
Can the APSIM model simulate wheat yield and grain protein in south-western Queensland?
J.B. Robinson, D.M. Freebairn, G.A. Thomas, D.N. Lawrence, S.T. Cawley, D.N. Orange, A.J. King, C. Holmes, K.J. Lehane, R.C. Dalal and E.J. Weston
TRIAL-YEARS without tears: enhancing recommendations of flowering and yield in wheat
J.S. Fishera, S. Assengb, J.W. Bowdena and M.J. Robertsonc
Modelling water stress response in sugarcane: Validation and application of the APSIM-Sugarcane model.
N.G. Inman-Bamber, Y. Everingham and R.C. Muchow
Greencalc: A Calculator for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Australian Sugar Industry
SN Lisson, BA Keating, ME Probert, LE Brennan and KL Bristow
Soil acidification and liming in the low rainfall wheatbelt of south-western NSW.
C.M. Evans, B.J. Scott, R.P. Fisher, G.J. Poile and M.K. Conyers
Land clearing in the central western wheatbelt of NSW affects soil acidity
M.A. Fraser, B.J. Scott and P.D. Cregan