

“On-demand” hardseeded pasture legumes – a paradigm shift in crop-pasture rotations for southern Australian mixed farming systems
Belinda Hackney,Bradley Nutt, Angelo Loi, Ron Yates, Jane Quinn, John Piltz, Janelle Jenkins, Leslie Weston, Mike O’Hare, Anna Butcher, Colin Butcher, Ted Wolfe, John Howieson

Legume effects on available soil nitrogen and comparisons of estimates of the apparent mineralisation of legume nitrogen
Mark Peoples, Tony Swan, Laura Goward, James Hunt, Robert Hart Bernard Hart

Additional nitrogen mineralisation and crop uptake following tropical forage legumes is lower if shoot biomass is removed
Skye Gabb, Lindsay Bell, Neal Dalgliesh, Ainsleigh Wixon, Chris Guppy, Lina-May Ramony

Evaluation of APSIM to simulate nitrogen fixation and uptake in diverse legume species across Australia
Chao Chen, Roger Lawes, Andrew Fletcher, Yvette Oliver, Michael Robertson, Michael Bell

Model-based evaluation of yield performance and agronomic options for lupins in the southern wheatbelt, Western Australia
Chao Chen, Jens Berger, Andrew Fletcher, Roger Lawes, Michael Robertson

The residual N benefits of temporary intercropping field pea with wheat
Andrew Fletcher , Matt McNee, Gary Ogden, Michael Robertson

A desktop analysis of the economics of fixed N in Australian dryland cropping rotations
Andrew Fletcher, Roger Lawes, Yvette Oliver, Chao Chen