

Rice germplasm selection and production systems for the Northern Territory.
Rowena Eastick, Nick Hartley, Malcolm Bennett and Mark Hearnden

Sugarcane for water-limited environments: 3.Transpiration efficiency of commercial and wild relatives of sugarcane 
Jayampathi Basnayake, Philip Jackson, Geoff Inman-Bamber and Prakash Lakshmanan

Genotype by environment (GxE) interactions for root depth of wheat: Associations and implications
Len J. Wade and Tina L. Botwright-Acuna

Yield components of high-yielding Australian cotton cultivars
Christopher R. Kilby,Daniel K.Y. Tan, Brian L. Duggan and Greg A. Constable

Investigation of gene expression underpinning partitioning of seed storage compounds in legumes
Youhong Song, Siyang Liao, Xin-Ding Wang, Michael B. Sheahan, Manohar L. Garg and Ray J. Rose

Persistence of pasture legumes in southern and central Queensland
Gavin Peck, Trevor Hall, Richard Silcock, Bob Clem, Stuart Buck and Graham Kedzlie

Potential use of new generation annual pasture legumes in crop-pasture rotations in central and southern NSW
Belinda Hackney, Craig Rodham and John Piltz

High temperature effects on development and floret sterility of diverse sorghum lines
Chuc Thi Nguyen, Vijaya Singh, Erik van Oosterom, David Jordan, Scott Chapman and Graeme Hammer

Characterisation of drought stress dynamics in European maize crops
Matthew Harrison, Graeme Hammer, Carlos Messina, Zhanshan Dong and François Tardieu

A model for predicting milling yield in wheat
James Nuttall, Garry O’Leary, Joe Panozzo and Glenn J Fitzgerald

Field assessment of pre-harvest sprouting of wheat varieties in Western Australia
Sarah Ellis, Ben Biddulph and Kevin Young

Grain protein concentration of several commercial wheat varieties
Rohan Brill, Matt Gardner, Neil Fettell, Peter Martin, Barry Haskins and Guy McMullen