

Crop yields and food security: will yield increases continue to feed the world?
Tony Fischer, Derek Byerlee and Greg Edmeades

Economics, productivity and natural resources in agricultural systems
Bruce Gardiner and Nicole Gammie

Managing the key risks of farming; climate and commodity price variability
Kieran Ransom and Rob Harris

The value of a boundary organization in mediating knowledge on sustainable farming systems
Lisa Lobry de Bruyn

Genetically engineered forage crops: New Zealand public attitudes
Bruce Small

Sustainable Grains Production Course – building grains industry futures.
Craig Birchall, Michael Coleman, Felicity Harrop, Neil Fettell and Brian Sindel

Sustainable crop intensification: Capturing opportunities in a highly variable climate with relay crops
Joseph X Eyre, John P Dimes, Howard Cox and Daniel Rodriguez

Australia’s declining crop yield trends I: Donald revisited.
Andrew Lake

Serious games to explore uncertainty of future farms
James Fisher, Imma Farré, Anne Dray, Nirav Khimashia and Pascal Perez