
Managing Productive and Sustainable Landscapes

Fodder shrubs – an option for improving conception rates and welfare in ewes
Low, S.G. & Bennett, S.J.

Dual-purpose cropping: changes in pasture availability and composition from incorporating dual-purpose crops into a Tablelands pasture system
McGrath, S., Pinares-Patino, C.S., McDonald, S.E., Simpson, R.J., & Moore, A.D.

Dual-purpose barley as a risk management tool for mixed livestock enterprises in Western Australia
Bennett, S.J., & Low, S.G.

Effect of reduced deficit irrigation and split urea application on N2O production and emissions in a sorghum crop: a lysimeter study
Jamali, H., Quayle, W., Scheer, C., & Baldock, J.

DMPP reduced nitrous oxide emissions, but did not improve grain yield
Li, G.D., Lowrie, A.J., Lowrie, R.J., Schwenke, G.D., Hayes, R.C., & Xing H.