
Plant Breeding and Evaluation

Ideotypes for the central wheatbelt of W.A. Part I - Approach
R.H. Sedgley and K.A. Seaton

Ideotypes for the central wheatbelt of W. A. part II - Wheat
R.H. Sedgley and K.A. Seaton

Ideotypes for the central wheatbelt of W. A. part III - Grain legumes
K.A. Seaton and R.H. Sedgley

On defining a 'Winter Wheat'
Heather McMaster

Selection For Delayed Leaf Senescence To Improve Drought Resistance In Sorghum
R.L. Williams, K.S. Fischer and S. Fukai

The response of Uniculm and tillered barley to high seeding rates
G.K. McDonald

The possible origins of presumptive Somaclones in barley tissue cultures 
Diana Rose

Sironaria and Sirothora - disease resistant safflower cultivars
E.K.S. Harrigan

The field performance of three aphid-resistant, harbinger backcross lines
A.W.H. Lake, J. H. Howie, J.R. Hill and R.E. Drewry

The breeding and selection of an aphid-resistant harbinger-type strand medic by backcrossing 
A.W.H. Lake, K.E. Sfreddo and B.G. Baron

Regrowth of subterranean clover lines differing in plant morphology
R.A. Culvenor and R.J. Simpson

Identification of. couchgrass (cynodon spp) cultivars for the turf industry usinggel electrophoresis of leaf perosidase enzymes
S. Till

The domestication of Danthonia Linkii, a native Australian grass
G M Lodge

Classification of the Australian collection of Macrotyloma 
M.J. Blumenthal, T.B. Hilder and P.K. O'Rourke