
Crop Sequences, Crop Pasture Rotations and Soil Fertility

Effect of mung beans on soil mineral nitrogen on the eastern Darling Downs.
J.A. Doughton and J. Mackenzie

Nitrogen economy of lupin - wheat rotations
A.D. Doyle and D.F. Herr1dge

Effect of lupin and barley rotations on grain yield and soil nitrogen
W.A. Hawthorne and D.C. Lewis

Use of lucerne leys for maintaining the productivity of wheat-growing soils
I.C.R. Holford

A ley farming system for the semi-arid tropics 
R.L. Mccown, R.K. Jones and D.C.I. Peake

The value of a legume ley in crop rotations
B.D. Mclaughlin

Oilseeds and grain legumes in the southern wheatbelt of N.S.W.
B.T. Ole and G.E. Bond

The effects of lupin management on wheat yields in lupin-wheat rotation
Ann Petch

A pasture and crop sequence for intensive beef cattle production
G.B. Robbins and K.B. Addison

The effect of tillage on the fate of hard seeds of subterranean clover
G. B. Taylor

Nematodes - a major factor in crop sequence effects on Darling Downs wheat.
J.P. Thompson, J. Mackenzie and Janet S. Mcculloch

Nitrogen economy in a crop sequence study on the Darling Downs
W.M. Strong, J. Harbison, A.G. Nielsen, B.D. Hall, B.S. Alcock and E. Best